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Key Stage 2 Literacy

  • How is reading taught at Key stage 2?

    Throughout Key Stage Two, we ensure that we assess our pupils reading so we understand both their reading ability and their comprehension of text. Through regular assessment, we can ensure that we are pitching the correct texts to our pupils so that they make the necessary progress. 

    Pupils are supported in developing their reading through the text based curriculum we follow. This means that pupils will access key texts in literacy which closely link to our curriculum themes. Throughout the study of that text in literacy pupils will hear the text read to them, read the whole text or exerts for themselves and talk about the text within their literacy lessons. We also support reading progress by teaching guided reading lessons several times a week. Children are placed in ability groupings for reading so that the texts closely match their reading ability. They will be supported to read and understand the text through discussions with a reading teacher. Some of their work will be recorded in their guided reading book which shows their developing understanding. We use a range of reading techniques to support pupils's understanding in reading as well as VIPERS question stems. 

    VIPERS are the question stems that we use to ask questions to the pupils based on differing texts and help draw the necessary information from the children. 
    V - Vocabulary; These questions relate to any vocabulary in a text the children are reading 

    I - Inference; These questions are the most challenging. These questions make the children think about the text and make children look for the 'hidden meanings' 

    P - Preductions; These questions ask the children to make a prediction based on what they have read in a novel 

    E - Explaination'; Children must explain a certain aspect of the text. This is often backed up with evidence from the text. 

    R - Retrieval; Children need to look for the answer from the text. The answers for these are often the factual aspects of a text.

    S - Summarise; Children need to give an overview of what they have read. 

  • How is writing taught?

    At Wellhouse, we use a text based curriculum to stimulate writing. High quality texts are used in literacy lessons and from these texts, staff plan a series of lessons around writing. These lessons are a build up of skills which lead to a 'Big Write'. This Big Write is assessed and pupil work is placed in their bespoke writing portfolio. Staff ensure that all writing genres are covered over the year and we ensure that we provide writing opportunities throughout all subject areas. The portfolios are a record of pupils 'best work' and assessed pieces which provide an overview of each pupil's ability in writing across the year. 

  • what about SPag?

    SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) is taught through small, sharp lessons with a small focus. These skills are taught seperately to writing lessons but there is an expectation that children use these skills within their writing work. SPAG content is also embedded within lesssons where children will discuss grammatical terminology and content in the books they are studying and practice grammatical devises which could support their writing. Staff teach spelling by testing children on the National Curriculum Spelling lists and provide activities that support children in learning these spelling patterns. 

  • find out more...

    If you wish to find out more about how literacy is taught, please ask to speak to your child's class teacher. Alternatively, please e-mail our Federation Literacy Co-Ordinator, Mrs Katie Wood, via [email protected]

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